Installing Packages when starting Bot

Hello everybody,

every time I start a robot on the orchestrator, the Information Shows, that the Maschine is installing packages.

I have already tried the issue to delete the Project.json file, but this doesn’t work for me. (Solution found here)
There is no new json file created when starting the main.xaml in Studio.

Is there another way to fix this issue?


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Hi @em17,
Which version of Studio and Orchestrator do you have?

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Hi Pablito,

Studio Version 2018.2.3
Orchestrator 2018.4.4


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Please check if you Studio/Robot installation forder is not protected from saving (read only).

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The folder is protected (read only). Is it necessary that you can do changes in the folder?
Some time ago there was no “installing packages” even though the folder was protected.

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The folder is protected by default, but your user account needs to have proper rights to this folder.


If anybody is struggling with the issue of robot ‘installing package’ or failures due to ‘Cannot create unknown type’, this is what helped me. Check that you have a reference to a local activity feed in the Nuget.config file in the following locations:

C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio.
Keep at least one feed active, if local feed is not present, add it, like so


Hi, could you please provide a more detailed path of the folder? I also have similar issue that my task keeps running for 15 min or so with the same info message ‘installing package’ and then fails with the time out error. I tried to run another package on the same machine and it works… super confusing to me. Could you please help me a bit? Thank you

I ran into this when trying to start a process from Assistant.


  • Installation kept timing out.
  • The process would never run.
  • The job would hang on “Installing packages…” in Orchestrator.

This worked for me:

  1. Remote into the machine as an administrator
  2. cd C:\Users\<your_problem_username> where <your_problem_username> is the username of the account you were running Assistant under
  3. takeown /f .nuget
  4. icacls .nuget /grant "your_domain_name\your_problem_username:(OI)(CI)F" /T