Installing dll in uipath studio

Hi All,

I’m working on to ZIP a file, for this we need to have System.IO.Compression.filesystem assembly.

I have downloaded the class dll but don’t know how to install it in UIPATH.

Could someone please help me out on how to install the “” in uipath studio.



You just have to go to “Imports” tab and type what you would like to import.


Hope it Helps :slight_smile:


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Hi Lucas,

I got the solution for this issue.

Even after importing the IO.Compression namespace you cant get the System.IO.Compression.filesystem assembly.

What we need to do is convert the .dll file into a nuget package and place the package under “C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath Platform\Packages”

Then we need open the .xmal file in a notepad and place mention the assembly manually like below


By doing this we can use the assembly in uipath studio


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