Insert Table with headers option after pasting the data in excel

Hi All,
I have an excel sheet which contains data and I have to paste it in another sheet.
After pasting the I have to insert table with headers

This is the pasted data
Click on insert>Table option
We will get the following pop up
Click on ok
And The Output will look like the below screenshot.

But I don’t have to do it using UI interaction
I need to complete this process without opening excel sheet.
I have attached the excel sheet for the same.
Book1.xlsx (12.2 KB)
Is there a way by which we can do the following stuff??
Thanks in advance??

Hey @Kunal_Jain ,

You can use the below attached XAML to get output specified

CreateTable.xaml (9.0 KB)


Book1_TableGenerate.xlsx (14.8 KB)

Hi @Quenton_Wayne_Rebello
It Worked.
Thanks for your Help!!

Glad to be of help @Kunal_Jain

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