Insert a datarow into sql table

Hello I am trying to send a table to SQL Server, but I ma having the following error in the insert activity:

The connection is ok but the insert does not work.
Can someone help me with this error?

Can you share workflow or screenshot of the activity you have used and the query you are using for reference… Can’t help without input information…

Hello ,
The screenshot is this:

Can you use OLEDB as data provider instead of SQL Server

I have the odbc coneected, so I change to the sql?

It looks like you are having issue with ODBC drivers on machine…
You can use connection string in below format.
Data Source=YouDBServerName;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

And in provider name property of connect activity use System.Data.OLEDB and if still does not work then use


Thank you, now the error chanded I used ODEDB and I got:

Try with SQLClient option also…

  1. Can you reverify the table name(Logs or Log) in the SQL server. Also see if data table structure and DB structure is matching… It should match with number of columns present in both the tables…
  2. Try without “dbo” in tableName…

this is the create I used for the table in SQL:
This is the build of the table:
Tried the two option above but the error maintains

Give the same column names from DB Table to columns in Build DataTable…Without any space…

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