Hello I am trying to send a table to SQL Server, but I ma having the following error in the insert activity:
The connection is ok but the insert does not work.
Can someone help me with this error?
Hello I am trying to send a table to SQL Server, but I ma having the following error in the insert activity:
Can you share workflow or screenshot of the activity you have used and the query you are using for reference… Can’t help without input information…
Hello ,
The screenshot is this:
Can you use OLEDB as data provider instead of SQL Server
I have the odbc coneected, so I change to the sql?
It looks like you are having issue with ODBC drivers on machine…
You can use connection string in below format.
Data Source=YouDBServerName;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
And in provider name property of connect activity use System.Data.OLEDB and if still does not work then use System.data.SQLClient
Thank you, now the error chanded I used ODEDB and I got:
Try with SQLClient option also…
this is the create I used for the table in SQL:
This is the build of the table:
Tried the two option above but the error maintains
Give the same column names from DB Table to columns in Build DataTable…Without any space…
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