I had quite a similar problem with mmc.exe window’s, but it has been resolved with the last update of UiPath Studio, so, you can try just to update UiPath Studio. (My query for reference)
You can try to perform other action on it, like just getting the Ui elements with the UiExplorer, or see if your UiPath is able to get the information about the process running (with “Element Exists” activity).
If neither of those are working, it would say it’s either an UiPath lacking feature’s (which will required a future update ) or a UAC issue (but you’re already in admin, so…), but if you’re able to make any of those two work, there is still hope
(Even though I don’t know what you can do, if you can give a feedback of the information you get, it would be easier for an expert to help you afterwards, I guess)