Include header when writing data table into html content editor and drafting email with it


I have a data table that I have entered into the html content editor. I am drafting the data table into outlook. However, my data table doesn’´t include header. How can include the header when it gets drafted in outlook?

Left column is Name and right column is Date of Birth. However, the header wasn’´t included.


Hey @Juan.delgadillo

I gave it a try and it is indeed a weird oversight. I saved it for our Mail activity package team to consider (I also included the context from the other thread, it looks to have been reported quite a while ago, thanks @ppr).


One way is to read the output data table again and remove Has Header option, Save the output to data table. Then we can use this data table in the outlook. You will get the table with headers as well.

I used a different approach that worked for me. I created a clone of the data table. Then I added a single row to the cloned table with just the table headers using the formula ‘(from dc in dtTable.Columns.Cast(Of DataColumn) Select dc.ColumnName).ToArray’ in the ArrayRow parameter. Then I merged the original data table with the new table.



I am getting Add Data Row Headers: Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table.
Error after like you suggested. Can you pls tell me how to proceed.

I Have the same issue, I tried to apply the write datatable to excel activity first, save it on a temporary sheet. Then call the table that was written to the sheet earlier in the Map data values section in the send mail activity.


Are there any news on when this is likely fixed? I mean its almost been a year :wink:

Hi @Juan.delgadillo I solved this by adding a new row and in this row I added the headers at the beginning of the datatable with Invoke Method and after that create HTML content

I hava the same question😥

Hi @loginerror , is there any resolution found for this issue?

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