Impact of not choosing to convert Windows legacy projects to Windows compatibility?

Hi @UiPath_Community ,

As you all know, Deprecation of the Windows-Legacy Compatibility was announced for studio version 2022.10 and higher.

Which means we should start creating Windows compatible projects to avoid running into issue later on.

However, I am looking to seek inputs on what is the impact if we don’t choose to convert our already created windows legacy based projects well up and running in production?

As per below note on UiPath documentation:

I understand, we would still be able to open, edit and run all windows legacy based projects.
So will it be worthwhile to say

  • we don’t need to specifically go to the projects already running in production to convert them.
  • even if any enhancements/changes are to be done in any production processes, we can still do those in windows legacy version and promote them again in production without running into any issues?

What is the approach you are taking around this?

  • Are you converting production processes too?
  • Have you run into any issues/challenges so far for windows legacy processes while doing enhancements in windows legacy mode itself?
  • Do you suggest doing this activity for prod processes?

And most importantly, what are the reasons/scenarios you see are there which would require a conversion of already running projects?

Looking forward to hearing your inputs on same.

@marian.platonov , also seeking your inputs on this.


[InfoSet] - LegacyToWindows Migration # Information Index - Help / Something Else - UiPath Community Forum

When scrolling to the event recording you will get within the recording 2 slides taking about

  • stay with
  • migrate
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In my organisation, we are not upgrading processes that are already in production. To be honest, I don’t think there’s much to gain in case they already work fine.

Later on, in case there are changes/additions that need to be done, the migration could be worth a while.

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Thank you @ppr for details.

I will go through the content and revert if any further queries.


Hi @efelantti ,

Thank you for sharing your inputs.

Yes, even I am confused what would be a worthwhile approach in this case.

Have you considered UiPath support parameter in this regard? Will there by UiPath support for window legacy issues after deprecation? I am yet to explore and gather knowledge on this front.
However, I did understand that we will still be able to run, edit and open windows legacy projects but there is no mention that if we run into any problems for legacy projects, support would be there or not.


we recommend for this topic:

  • waiting for the LTS Release and its details (e.g. the final decission if new project creation is offered or not)

In general we should differentiate between offered and supported. As of now it is stated:

  • new Legacy Project creation is no longer offered

But Legacy activities are offered e.g. within the UiPath.System.Acitvities. So we would assume as long the offered Package is in support (Version Level Details) we would get support from UiPath as ussually



yes, makes sense. Thanks.


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