Facing issues after converting windows-legacy projects to Windows:
Do we compulsory have to convert the process to windows or we can use windows-legacy as it is?
After converting to windows are there any major impact on the process as we are facing issues with the custom packages (shown in screenshot)
As we are migrating from on-premise to cloud.
(PS Parvathy)
July 6, 2023, 9:31am
Hi @suruchi120294
If you are converting Windows Legacy projects to Windows Project you to repair the dependencies in the windows projects or reinstall the depeendencies.
Hope it helps!!
@Parvathy I was not able to find the custom packages under manage packages even after copy pasting the packages under packages folder.
(Peter Preuss)
July 6, 2023, 9:38am
in a little time you can refer to the recorded session and get some inputs on this
We recommend to have always a pre check on the available compatibility before migrating
This post is currently in a preview version and will be further updated in the near future.
In the context of preparing for a legacy-to-Windows migration, it may be necessary to check which compatibilities are offered by a package (NuGet Package). This part of the [InfoSet] -LegacyToWindows Migration series presents various options for such an evaluation.
Artifacts referenced in the source code projects / UiPath Studio projects are provided by NuGet packages. A package can offe…
orchestrator Migrations / movements are a different topic and not the same as the Legacy to Windows migration
(PS Parvathy)
July 6, 2023, 9:41am
Hi @suruchi120294
After clicking on Manage dependencies options Click on All Dependencies type and install the required dependencies.
Hope it helps!!
This is not working in my case.
(PS Parvathy)
July 11, 2023, 3:48am
Hi @suruchi120294
Did you try repairing the dependencies by right clicking the dependency?
Made changes in the .json file, also added the namespaces in the .json file which were giving error.
December 13, 2023, 5:29am
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