I am trying to locate a subset of an image within a large image. I am able to successfully get it however unable to get its color. Is there a way to get color of the image?
Steps used:
Load Image>Find Image matches> display the number of times it appears (Unable to attach, hence screen shot pasted)
The sub-image could be any number from the main image. For eg, I had tried with number 59 as an image.
The task is to find all numbers with color from main image. I believe image comparison may not be the right approach as there could be 50 to 100+ various numbers within the main image. If there are libraries available to handle these kind of cases it would help a lot. Thanks.
However, I have a question, in case if you know a solution do answer. Thanks.
Question: How to get pixel position from the main image when compared image exists using “Find Image”?
For eg: I am able to Find image 54 using 54.jpg in larger image (Image_1n.jpg). How to get the pixel position using Find Image Activity?
Just to let you know, the code works as expected. The co-ordinates were wrong as the image was opened using default image viewer of windows, instead if we open the image using browser, the resolution of the image does not change and provides the required result.