I'm trying a simple automation on NotePad, I got stuck with Click Activity Issue,

In Click Activity I want click on file option and next select exit, basically I want open a note pad, type a word and click on File Option on menu bar and click on exit, after I clicked on Indicate on element I not able to click on File Option, Selecting Entire Menu Bar, if I select F2 and Selecting File Options also there is an error, I stuck with this please suggest me the best option,

Hi @Chanakya_S

please change the option from the below mentioned screenshot and it might work.

Change that to AA or else to UiA and the issue will be resolved.


Hi @Chanakya_S

Welcome to Community!!

You can use Write Text File activity

Hi @Chanakya_S

When you are indicating the file option in notepad there is selection popup window will open.
In the Above option try to use the Active accessibility and indicate again.
If the above option not working try with the Ui Automation option.

Check the below image for better understanding,

Hope it helps!!


You can solve in this way

use classic click activity

Click activity > Menu: Indicate target on screen > Dialog: Selection Options >
F4 => Select UI Framework : UIA

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