Iframe in Action Center form HTML Element content

I have added iframe tag in the Content section of the HTML Element from component to display a pdf file.

The pdf file is uploaded to the Storage Bucket and referred in the iframe src attribute.

However, the iframe tag does not render when the form is opened in the Cloud Orchestrator

Did you toggled Refresh on change below the content field?

Yes, I have tried using the Refresh On Change option, but the result is the same, the iframe tag does not render.

Did you resolve this? I’m facing the same issue.

No, the issue is still unresolved

Hi, Did you resolve this?

Hi @sam_arc @bram.vanheuvelen @maurovmorais
Can you please refer to https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/advanced-controls-form-designer#embedding-objects-in-form-tasks for embedding options in Task forms.
Please note that all these features are available in the new Actions UI outside of orchestrator

Hi Liji,

This advanced controls page suggests that iframes simply aren’t supported in the action centre at present.

Do you know if there are any plans to change this?


Anyone got any solution for this?