If statement in data table


Can you help me write a if Statement.

If dt(datatable) contains any value in c column( column name).


Try this:

If dt.Columns.Contains("ColumnName") AndAlso dt.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(row) Not row.IsNull("ColumnName")) Then
    ' DataTable contains at least one value in the specified column
    ' Your code here
    ' DataTable does not contain any value in the specified column
    ' Your code here
End If

Hope it helps!!


columnHasValue = dt.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(row) Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row("C").ToString()))

If columnHasValue Then
    Log Message: "Column 'C' contains at least one non-empty value."
    Log Message: "Column 'C' does not contain any non-empty values."


You can try below Linq

dt.asenumerable.any(function(r) String.IsNullOrEmpty(r("Column2").ToString))

So basically this linq will check if there is value in that column,
If there are no values , then it will out TRUE
If there are values in that column , it will out FALSE

Below is the example for your reference:

Hope it helps you out!

So basically the vaules mentioned in the C coulmn are the names of images in a folder.

Can you help me write the code for:
For each value in C column

  1. Open the folder
  2. copy the image to clipboard (mentioned in column c)


Can you try like below

DT.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(row) Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row(2).ToString()))


It is not working

So the column name i use is Picture_Name.

If any data is present in Picture_Name( ColumnName) of dt(datatable)

Get the name from the column
open folder
Find the picture name and copy to clipboard


Try this

DT.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(row) Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row("Picture_Name").ToString()))

So it is copying the text, but i need to copy the picture of the text to clipboard not the text


Main.xaml (19.3 KB)



Suppose the column (Picture_Name) contains a value “capture1.png”.

I have to search for “capture1.png” image and copy to clipboard.

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