I am able to change the date format to specific format and stored into excel.
If no date found in input file that blank data needs to be replace with “null”. Seq blank to NF.xaml (13.2 KB)
This is my workflow. Above workflow works fine if we have date in sample file.
If date is not present in input file, it shows error.
Assign: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. test pdf.txt (16 Bytes)
Please help me on this.
I am facing this issue in data extraction. After extracting the data will be written into excel. Seq blank to NF.xaml (13.4 KB) test pdf.txt (16 Bytes)
If date present in input text file is working, if in input file the data is blank its not working getting error.
This is my workflow and input sample file. Please look on it.