Ibm ehllapi


I am using IBM EHLLAPI as provider to connect to AS400 with following selections: -

Show Client: Checked
Attach to an Existing session: Selected
EHLL DLL: pcshll32.dll
EHLL Function: hllapi
EHLL Session: A
EHLL Enhanced: checked
Basic Mode: checked

Problem: Screen is not changing in Terminal Wizard. But, the screen is changing in the Actual Session. Due to this, on most of the screen, it is not finding the selectors and thus, have to restart the whole thing again from the screen where I had left. This is getting very annoying.

Can anyone help?

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Hey @Manish_V

Well IBM Ehllapi will use the current existing session only.
So if you wanna use multiple sessions then create different session files(“*.ws”) and save them and use those to connect with terminal with different sessions.


Its not about multiple session.

I have only 1 active session. And, using this for automation. But, the problem is the using terminal wizard, I am able to move from 1 screen to another screen in the same active session but, the screen values remains the same in terminal wizard.

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Hey @Manish_V

The EHLLAPI interface is a single call-point interface.It uses the presentation space includes the visible emulator character data, fields and attribute data, keystroke data, and other information.

Functions are provided for reading host screen data (such as the characters and attributes), for sending keystrokes, and performing other emulator-related functions.

So That is why it is sticking with one window. will you try with session profiles? instead of API.


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Click Refresh button to update the content in UiPath Terminal Session