I want to skip when missing target picture in Image / Video Slide activity

Hello, All
I try to use the Image / Video Slide activity to replace the PowerPoint image.
But An error will occur if there is no image to be replaced.
Is there a way to skip when there is no image to replace?
Please advice for me!

My Activity

Error Message

Thanks, Regards


Can you try to use FileExists and If activity as the following?


You can either go with file exists as suggested by Yoichi or simply add a try catch around that activity, check in the batch block for exception.message is Target image not found or something else, for target image blank you can just continue and for something else you may perform your troubleshooting steps or may be add a throw there to log an excrp

Hello, Yoichi-san, Sharma-san,
Thank you replay your advice for me.
I can fix my issue by your advice!


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