Do you need the bot to do this on a repetitive basis?
If it’s a one-time requirement, you might as well use an Excel formula.
For repeat requirement, if you have control over the datatable before writing to excel, you can curate the data while the table is being populated.
If you must read from excel and write back with updated values, then you could consider iterating through the rows and adding “D” before each string value.
Its a exported excel document so it comes with the values under the A column, All i need to do is update the column values. So the numbers will be in it I need to add “D” on the begining of every cell in A column.
There have been several forum posts with the same topic. Please search with relevant keyboards so that you may get your solution quicker
(Examples here, here and here)
For your task, you may follow this approach:
Read Range to read worksheet into a DataTable, say dtRecords
For Each Row → row in dtRecords Assign → tempValue = row("A").ToString Assign → row("A") = "D"+tempValue
(This will only update the data in the datatable object)
Write Range to write the datatable back to the original worksheet.