I need to run a process but on 5 different machines with 5 different access paths


I need to run a process but on 5 different machines with 5 different access paths.

The theory says that I have to create an asset for each robot, my question is, for each process do I have to create a folder in the orchestrator, with this asset path, with machine, and user?

Or can you have all 5 processes within the same orchestrator folder?

You don’t make 5 processes. You just make one asset as a per-robot asset, and give the value for each robot.

It’s not very clear to me how that is, could you explain more?

step by step

What occurs to me is to create 5 folders in orchestrator
In each folder an asset with the name Path_file but each of these will have a different path.

assign each folder a different machine

In each folder publish the same process.

in the config file have the asset Path_file

Turn off Global Value then you can set a different value for user/machine combinations in one asset. You just need one process in the folder with the user and all five machines, plus the asset.
