I installed Form Recogniser from NuGet Packages but to start working it shows that i need to use Scope but i don’t see any activities related to it, but I see a dependency listed.
On my list of activities I have scope for azure recognizer:
Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer Activities Package 0.1.0 has been deprecated. It’s recommended that you replace projects that use version 0.1.0 with version 1.0.0 or later.
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It has to show as Azure Form Recognizer Scope as @pikorpa mentioned
Could you search in the activities also if you didn’t able to see that, try to uninstall and reinstall the package
Hope this may help you
@pikorpa, It says 3.1.1 Version and I am on the recent version and UiPath Version is 2020.10.2 but still unable to see the activities of the package but the package is listed under Project Dependencies
@Srini84 , I tried reinstalling but it still didn’t work.
Is there any other way to work on this? I see that I can directly use HTTP API Call but just think this should be a better approach instead. any ideas?