UiPath - Azure Form Recognizer


does anyone have an idea, methodology, use-cases regarding how to work with Azure Form Recognizer in combination to UiPath?

Thank you.

Hi @Pandya_Meet

You have the Azure form recognizer activities in UiPath. Install the AzureForumRecognizer package.

You can find the activities in activities panel.

Hope it helps!!

Thank you for the reply.
This package is good to have but do you know if it is supported by UiPath?


Welcome to the community

There is no official activity which gives to form recognizer…you can use form recognizer api instead and use http activity in UiPath to connect to it and get the data


Apart fromt hat there are few marketplace activities as well again these are not official



Hi @Anil_G ,
I would like to try the marketplace package like u mentioned (link). But cannot find it from Manage packages. Do u have any idea why?


these are available only in legacy and not in windows


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I am able to install Form Recognizer. But i am not able to connect to Azure document intelligence. I have a free subscription account in Azure where its pay as you go. Because we are doing a POC to extract data from unstructured Invoices. i am getting below error.
AADSTS650057: Invalid resource. The client has requested access to a resource which is not listed in the requested permissions in the client’s application registration. Client app ID: 945da048-7e8e-4613-ad87-a52756133b79(TPC Automation ). Resource value from request: https://cognitiveservices.azure.com. Resource app ID: 7d312290-28c8-473c-a0ed-8e53749b6d6d. List of valid resources from app registration: 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000.