I have csv data Want to update value in Name column from Id column

Please check the screenshot
Check Id value and put in Name column



Try this in invoke method…send dt as in/out argument and dt1 as in argument and both needs to be assigned with same datatable variable in arguments

Dt.AsEnumerable.ToList.ForEach(sub(r) r("Name") = dt1.AsEnumerable.Where(function(x) r("ID").ToString.Equals(x("ID").ToString) and Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x("Name").ToString)(0)("Name"))


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Hi @rlgandu Solution is right but if ID row is blank then other column get above row value, i want only value which has ID

Thanks @Anil_G but i don’t want to use invoke method activity, you have any other solution


in for each loop take if conditin
Not String.isNullOrEmpty(CurrentRow(“ID”).ToString)
Perfrom the actions in true block
in else
Use break


Try the steps

  1. For each row in datatable dt
  2. Inside loop use if condition with String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentRow("Name").ToString)
  3. on then side use currentRow("Name") = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(x) currentRow("ID").ToString.Equals(x("ID").ToString) and Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x("Name").ToString)(0)("Name")


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Try this below code . Hope it will be helpful.

Main.xaml (18.3 KB)

Can you help me with that error


Looks like I missed a bracket please check this

dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(x) currentRow("ID").ToString.Equals(x("ID").ToString) and Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x("Name").ToString))(0)("Name")


Getting this error


is DT having data ?


yes it has data
I shared the screenshot above


As per error looks like dt is null or empty



Looks like there are few empty rows…before running this can you filter on the empty rows please


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