I am doing one process in Sap which is mostly about click and select list and like that
When I do that manually I got that screen, which is what normally should be ;
Screen is not continue as espected like first menu when ı do in manually,
second pic as you see it’s different menu comes and its just happening when I do that process with robot. I can’t click any item in menu its giving error in second pic menu.
I mean there is script problem that or other problem ? why robot can’t get same menu as espected ? all configuration is okay.
I have looked it, thank you for sharing . But same issuie is continue. Same menu is coming and can’t use other activity because can’t reach that first menu to choose, coming different with robot
When I encountered this issue, I simply added a breakpoint on the activity after the window opens via the BOT, stopped the BOT with the SAP window the BOT opened and then selected my activities on the window opened by the BOT. If the original window may open occasionally try adding the original activity in a Try Catch and
in the Catches add a “SelectorNotFoundException” and place the second Window activities in there.
When robot is doing that process that normal excepted window which is first Pic is not appear, and that list which is appear with robot. If you select any item, it’s giving error so. It’s not giving exactly same window and menu as expected, even i try so many times. It’s like scripting
You need to run the BOT up to where the BOT opens the other window, stop the bot and do not close SAP use the window the BOT opens in your activity selection.
After that window appears, I can’t use anything. That I saw that your problem one year ago, it’s not giving other chance to do like you do. Second Pic is which is coming from robot, there is no item to choice if you choice it’s giving error.
So UiPath is unable to resolve a usable selector for the window that is opening, I am sorry I am not sure what can be done about that. Did you try using the “Open in UiExplorer” that command offers 3 different selector types in the menu across the top.
I think it’s SAP script or manage problem with it, like giving different menu when use robot or use script, similar like your old problem but with it there is no other list to click and go on, I should choose like first picture, manually I can do it well. But with robot I can’t reach that window even once. Or other way to choose it. I stuck in there so.
One last suggestion, you may have already tried this, but maybe not.
Edit the selector and replace the " (1)" with “*”, do not include the double quotes. see attached example, it shows the first window title and the second window title, the third is a title with the different text replaced with a wild card symbol, perhaps this will allow the BOT to recognize the different windows.
I have tried it and also many of others but after sometimes I have checked all settings again and I have found that it was okay so it was about some kind of settings I guess. Thank you for helping me in it!