While installing microsoft vision package from Manage package i am receiving below error. please help me to solve this.
Can you click on Open Logs and share the logs here.
Show us the whole error (click copy to clipboard then paste here).
This error is often because your PC cannot reach the official repository ( https://www.myget.org /F/workflow/) due to firewall/proxy rules.
Hi @lakshman
I received below information in logs
[WARN] [UiPath.Studio.Launcher.exe] [18] Shell returned a null configuration for TelemetryProxy. Falling back to default config.
[ERROR] [UiPath.Studio.Launcher.exe] [1] Cannot locate resource ‘regexresources/themes/classicthemecolors.xaml’.
[WARN] [UiPath.Studio.Launcher.exe] [1] System.IO.IOException: Cannot locate resource ‘themes/icons.xaml’.
at MS.Internal.AppModel.ResourcePart.GetStreamCore(FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
at System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart.GetStream(FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
at System.IO.Packaging.PackWebResponse.CachedResponse.GetResponseStream()
at System.IO.Packaging.PackWebResponse.GetResponseStream()
at System.IO.Packaging.PackWebResponse.get_ContentType()
at MS.Internal.WpfWebRequestHelper.GetContentType(WebResponse response)
at MS.Internal.WpfWebRequestHelper.GetResponseStream(WebRequest request, ContentType& contentType)
at System.Windows.ResourceDictionary.set_Source(Uri value)
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Services.ActivityIconFinder.TryGetThemedActivitiesIconDictionary(String assemblyName)
Hi @postwick
I received below information from clipboard
The following package(s) can not be installed:
UiPath.MicrosoftVision.Activities 3.0.2
As I said… This error is often because your PC cannot reach the official repository ( https://www.myget.org /F/workflow/) due to firewall/proxy rules.