Error ActiproSoftware.Wpf in Uipath.microsoftTeam.Activities Version 1.0.0-preview

Good afternoon colleagues,
We are trying to use microsoft’s Team Acticity, UiPath.microsoftTeam.Activities Version 1.0.0-preview. It runs correctly in the studio but when we deploy with the orchestrator to production gives us error, it does not find the package ActiproSoftware.Wpf.
We have tried to solve it but we can’t find the package anywhere.
Could it be that the Team activity is wrongly compiled at source?

Thank you very much.


Looks like on the target machine all the oackages are not downloaded properly

Check the firewall blocks if any and then try

Alternately to solvw it immediately you can copu the .nuger filder from dev machine to prod or robot machine



First, thank you for answering my question, we have tried installing it on different machines and different network connections, even on my home network, I have seen in different posts that this library is not available in the official repository or anywhere.
Somebody of the UipathTeam can view this post and help us.

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Hi @Akshay_Agnihotri, Can you help me about it? :slight_smile:
I Think what there is a similar error in another case. This package release recently, it is a first preview version, so was migrate from windows legacy.


As it runs correctly on studio it would have downloded everything there so please copy paste as mentioned above


When I run the project from the Studio it works, but when I want to deploy it on the same machine it gives an error, there is no package. Therefore, I can’t do anything, since there is no package, the problem is in the ActiproSoftware.Wpf dependency. There is no file and it cannot be copied and taken to another site because it gives an error when downloading the package anywhere.


Hello again,
Can you install the package and deploy it and see if it works for you? If so. Can you share me the ActiproSoftware.Wpf dependency?
Thank you so much.

I’m also facing the same issue.

Hello Anaga,
We have spoken with the UiPath technical team about this and they are working to find a solution.
When they solve it I will comment on it in this post. It a general error.


Did you find a solution?

UiPath support team is looking for the solution.