I am comparing two dates but its not working. Please suggest how can i do that

I am comparing two dates but its not working. Please suggest how can i do that. Today date is lesser than Due date but still system going in then condition in place of else.

You don’t need to have your own variable TodayDate. Just use the built-in Today expression.

DateTime.ParseExact(DueDate,“dd/MM/yyyy”,System…Culture) > Today

We just have to write Today only or there is any expression for today date.

“Today” is the expression for today’s date.

it showing an error.

have a look here:

Kindly note: Your screenshot shows:
your parsing is using a dd/MM/yyyy format.

So dpending on the real occuring format we do choose on of the datetime conversion options:
CDate, DateTime.Parse / ParseExact, Convert.ToDateTime

Change the format. still having issues :frowning:

Stuck here since frriday

Any reasons why this was not tried?


As mentioned

  • by Paul you can use Today
  • by the screenshot a MM/dd/yyyy format we can parse with CDate

But we see a big difference to the suggestions given to you

In case of exploration we suggest to do direct RnDs by small steps within the immediate panel
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Again you use TODAY not TODAYDATE

Today is a standard expression. It is not a variable. You don’t create a variable named Today. It always exists.

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