I have created variable
hyperlink = “=HYPERLINK(”“” + images + “”“,”“http://myurl/Automation/images_” + Now.ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”) + “”“)” and wanted to pass hyperlink as display text as ERROR in one of the column in datatable using below expression
“=HYPERLINK(”“” + hyperlink + “”“, ““ERROR””)”
And its displaying in excel as below
=HYPERLINK(“(”“,“http://myurl/Automation/images_2023-04-27 17:25:21”)”, “ERROR”)"
but its not displaying as ERROR and not clickable
Requirement is that screenshots saving in network folder
“\myNetwork-QA-WEB\Automation\screenshot.png” and this should be accessed outside of network using http link like this
“http://myURL/Automation/images” .
I was able to pass like this before
“=HYPERLINK(”“” + images + “”“,”“http://myURL/Automation/images_” + Now.ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”) + “”“)”
its working fine.
But now that http link to displayed as “ERROR” text in status column as screenshots only captured for failed steps.So, need to append that http URL which should be accessed that base networkfolder screenshot .png with display text as “ERROR”
Now as per requirement, that clickable hyperlink should display as ERROR display text
I tried all above suggestions… but its not working.
Can someone please help
"=HYPERLINK(""Link whatever you get for the screenshot"",""ERROR"")"
This is how it should be…whatever is the link that you think is correct for screenshto if its variable or text please replace ‘Link whatever you get for the screenshot’ this part with appropriate variable or link text
please help me how to concatenate and make it as http link … since it has backward slash in network folder path and forward slash in http url… I am not able to concatenate nate with http url
Can you please help
but what you can do is…you can check the url you previously have which was working and check the difference between them and we can proceed accordingly
Also please check if there are extra spaces in the url
As Per you previous screenshots I guess url you gave previously was present in images variable directly…
Can you please append now.tostring (yy.mm.hh.ss) for screenshot file.png… ? may be its going to capture and save
Can you pls modify this expression including datetimestamp please
“=HYPERLINK(”“http://myurl.com/Automation” + “\myNetwork-QA-WEB\Automation\screenshot.png”.Replace(“",”/“) + “””,““ERROR””)"