HTTPS resquest using patch method Facing this error Message "statusCode": 500, "message": "Internal server error",

I am encountering an issue with the HTTP Request Activity in UiPath. The same request works perfectly when executed via Postman on the same machine. However, when I attempt to run it using UiPath, I get the following error in the content response:

“statusCode”: 500,
“message”: “Internal server error”,
“Activity”: “086b7c75-5613-499f-9d54-45fe7b4e43c5”
Has anyone else faced a similar issue and found a resolution? Any tips or insights would be greatly appreciated

Either the command which you are sending is incorrect and is not matching the Postman, or the target server is down or is refusing to provide a correct response based on the provided data.

How is looking the sample in Postman and how you configure it in UiPath Studio for HTTP Request?