As the title suggests, I am having an issue with the HTTP Request activity where when I am using the Put Method. When ran in the Postman application, the API call successfully completes and uploads the file while returning a 200 code. When it is ran in UIPath it will only return a 0 as a Status Code. My team and I suspect that this may be an issue of failing to connect to the server from the UIPath application. My question is if there is if anyone has figured out a method for more deeply investigating a return code of 0 situation.
what is the error message you are receiving while using http request put method. and also did you tried the same way what are the headers or parameters you have used in postman same way you have used for http request.
what kind of authentication we are using. and also please share the screenshot of your configuration http request activity so that our forum members would help you much better.
And also make sure that your antivirus is blocking the Uipath http request. thanks.
What is the error message you are receiving while using http request put method.
No error message is returned when I use the method. Other than a status code of 0, there is no other output.
Did you tried the same way what are the headers or parameters you have used in postman same way you have used for http request.
Yes, the only headers I haven’t included are ones that are automatically generated by Postman, which are Host and Content-Length.
When I make the call on Postman without the Content-Length I receive 411 Length Required.
When I make the call on Postman without the Host I receive 400 No Host.
When I make the call through the HTTP Request Activity with either, neither, or both headers included I still get a Status of 0 and no message.
I do not use any parameters.
What kind of authentication we are using.
I use a header based authentication with a key/value configuration of Authorization/Bearer (generated access token).
Also please share the screenshot of your configuration http request activity so that our forum members would help you much better.
As you can see here I don’t have much in the way of configuration and have set a high timeout value, but when I make the call the activity completes in less than a second.
I’m unaware of any possibility that my antivirus might be blocking the request, but if that were the case, would it not also block my successful calls through Postman?