HTTP Request returning response in html format required format is json

Hi ,

I am using HTTP Request activity to make Orchestrator Web API call . I am invoking method to get license details. I am getting the details but i am getting in html format. I need the response in the form of json. Below is the screenshot of the properties for the HTTP Request activity. Please let me know what is the change that need to be made here to get response in json format.

@mryavanaki - what’s your api endpoint?

I am facing similar issue. Response is in HTML format and its not the requested response. It does not give license details.
API endpoint I am using is -{{OrchestratorURL}}/odata/LicensesNamedUser/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.GetLicensesNamedUser(robotType=‘Attended Concurrent’)

Please let me know if I am missing something here?


@KSS - have you tried the same endpoint via postman?
if not - pls try with postman and check and let me know if it work with same input values.

Yes, I get the same HTML response via Postman as well.

@KSS - it could be your input/token related issue.
please check your input & authentication bearer token details.

you can verify api here -