HTTP request activity in webapi package not working


I am trying to download a pdf file from a link using http request method but it is unable to fetch the file because of the error.

See the image:

The parameters are provided correctly but still it is not working.

Can anyone help in this topic?

Hitesh M. Jeswani


Could you please share Endpoint URL and Parameter screenshot.

The endpoint is actually a confidential pdf, so cannot share the exact url.

here is the image of the parameters:

I should also clarify that for some of the urls this error is not coming up but for most of them this issue is still present.

Hitesh M. Jeswani


  1. Parameter screenshot is the screenshot what have you passed as parameter.

  2. What is the Request Method you used in Endpoint URL?

Hope the below image solves your query:

Hitesh M. Jeswani


I was able to get it working by downgrading the version of the webapi package to a stable version instead of preview.

Thanks for the help.

Hitesh M. Jeswani

Hi @HiteshJeswani101

Could you please share the version of the package that were problematic?

A small workflow with dummy endpoint could also help us in terms of reproducing the issue.
(hopefully you could reproduce this issue on a publicly available PDF file?)

Hi @loginerror,

Please find the below workflow which was not working in the preview version of webapi package.

Main.xaml (5.6 KB)

Please run it with the version 1.10.2 preview to replicate the error.

Let me know if you need anything else from my end.

Hitesh M. Jeswani

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Thank you for the reproduction steps.

I’ve moved your topic to our Feedback category and registered this as a bug in our issue tracker.

This issue should now be fixed in the 2022.4 version of Studio and the System activity package.