HTTP Request activity does not throw error on timeout


When using the HTTP Request activity, if the request takes longer than the specified timeout to get a response, no error is thrown. According tothe documentation for the timeout property, an error should be thrown after the specified timeout. Because no error is thrown, the request appears to come back with a status code of 0 and an empty body. I believe that’s because the HTTP Request has initialized the variables used to store that data and those are the default values.

Before HTTP Request is sent (stopped on break point on the HTTP Request activity):

After HTTP Request is sent:

Steps to reproduce:

I’ve created a process to test this behavior: (13.0 KB)

It’s set to hit a test endpoint using which is configured to send a 200 response after 6500 milliseconds. This is 500 ms longer than the default timeout value for the HTTP Request activity.

  1. Download TestingHttpRequestTimeout process
  2. Run the project

Current Behavior:

No error is thrown, the StatusCode variable is set to 0 and the ResponseBody variable is set to “”.

Expected Behavior:

An error is thrown by the HTTP Request activity indicating that the timeout was hit.

Studio/Robot/Orchestrator Version:

2019.4.1 - 04/24/2019
Community Edition
EXE Installer

License Provider: Internal

Update Channel: Stable

Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit
.NET Framework Version 4.7.1

Last stable behavior: Never observed
Last stable version: Unknown
OS Version: Windows 10 Enterprise
Others if Relevant: (workflow, logs, .net version, service pack, etc):

Hi @kellen

Thank you for reporting! I created a bug report for our team to resolve it :slight_smile:

Hi @loginerror, I’m curious what the status of the bug is. Could you provide an update? Thanks!

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Hi @kellen

From what I can see, it did not get a high priority. It should be eventually fixed though.

I observed the same behaviour tonight. How do we know if this is fixed now?

hi @loginerror. Was this ever solved. I am having the same issue. I’m using 2019.10.4

Hi @Chris_Taylor

From what I can see, the fix is still scheduled for future versions (=therefore it is not fixed yet).

Hey guys! Sorry this kept dragging on, I can understand it’s a pressing issue for some of you. However, we always look at numbers when prioritizing stuff and this one didn’t quite make the cut, especially compared to other issues or new features that we’ve been working on.

That said, enough time has passed and I think it’s time to deal with the issue here, so we’ve planned fixing it for the autumn release (20.10), but let us see if we can ship it sooner.

Thanks for your patience!


I have encountered this same bug and regardless of the timeout setting, I frequently get the 0 status, i.e. no status or response. I’m posting small files of around 35KB so even setting the timeout property to 5 minutes, I get the issue.

Hey everybody! Just letting you know that this issue has been addressed and a fix will be included in the 20.8 version of the Web package, which will officially be out in a couple of days. :wink:

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Hello! Is this fix done for enterprise version? I’m still facing issues, receiving 0 status code

The fix should be part of the latest Web activity package. Could you update it to the latest preview version and check again?

20.8 is not an enterprise version. 20.10 will be and it will include the fix.

As @loginerror said, if acceptable for you, you can use the preview version until then.

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hi @Tudor_Sandu,
Is this fixed now? Still getting this issue in 20.10 of Enterprise version.

Yes, it should be fixed. I just tested again and the activity throws an error when the set timeout is hit.

Did you update the UiPath.Web.Activities package to version 1.6.0? If so and you’re still not getting an exception on timeout, please post a sample process.

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