I need help to write the condition into an excel.
That is “Clinical submission is not required for Group”
If above statement(which is inside the double quote " ") contains the key word “Not required” then I need to update in excel that “No Authentication required” else the excel to be update as “Yes Authentication required”, I need to update in column B the name of the column is “Authentication”.
Kindly someone help me to achieve this.
Thanks for your reply.
Actually the process is as below:
1:Login to the portal.
2: Then do some click activities.
3: After that I need enter 6 digit number which is in (excel or database)using type into activity and on submit.
4: After clicking submit there will display either one Statement like
“Authentication is required to the User Id” or “Authentication is not required to the User Id”
5: I need to scrap the either one statement based how the portal display.
6: If the statement contains the keyword then “not required” then I need to update the column “Authentication” as “No Authetication”
7: If the statement contains the keyword then “Required” then I need to update the column “Authentication” as " Authetication to be give"