How to write the date of the day in an excel cell, and the month in another

how to write the date of the day in an excel cell, and the month in another?
how to choose an excel file if its name is the date and time of download and it always changes?


You can use for each file in folder and sort by latest created date…aot he first file will always be the one you need

Now for day and month …if the variabel is of date type then gives the day and datevar.month gives the month


Did I understand correctly, you need to create a variable that will automatically record the date and month?


Ypu want the current day and current month then use Now.Day and Now.Month


If you are downloading file using Automation then you can also use Wait for Download Activity (Activities - Wait for Download) which automatically gets the file path of last downloaded file.

Excel has data for 3 days, and for each day I have to copy the totals and insert them as values ​​in another table. This will be done every Monday. How can it be implemented so that the robot inserts the dates that are in the file into the day and month fields

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