Please look into the attachment and guide me where am I doing wrong
Doubt in Uipath2.xlsx (107.9 KB)
Please try like this
"=IF(OR(B" + CellIndex.ToString + "=""Tagged as FTR"",B" + CellIndex.ToString + "=""Not Tagged as FTR""),IF(A" + CellIndex.ToString + ">30,""Movie"",""PackageFile""))"
Please replace the inverted comma again in your code if you are copy pasting
Thank you so much Anil, you are fantastic. But one more help. The formula applies the rule only in one cell. it does not iterate to the entire row. Can you please help me out with this?
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Once you paste it in the first cell use auto fill range to fill remaining rows
Thank you so much, Anil. That’s what I did to complete my task. But I can’t able to do that by iterating through each row. Once again thank you so much for your wonderful help
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