Hi All
I am Trying to access an Remote AWS Machine to debug a defect and when I initiated the Test Connection it is getting an error . Can anyone help on detail steps on how to enable the remote debugging.
Hi All
I am Trying to access an Remote AWS Machine to debug a defect and when I initiated the Test Connection it is getting an error . Can anyone help on detail steps on how to enable the remote debugging.
As per error looks like the machine is not reachable
just to check can you open cmd and perform a ping to the machine and see if you get response
How do i that? can you please help me?
In other RDP what should i do?
This is to check if the current machine from which you are trying to connect the remote machine is accessible or not
if ping is successful then you need not use
i got this reply
How do i check its success or not?
This means it is not successful…request to ping is unsuccessful
either the machine you are trying to reach is logged off/not available
the machine is not in the same domain as the current machine…and it is not accessible from your machine
You have to go into that domain to access or reach to your IT to see why the machine is unavailable
Hi @divya.17290
it’s not successful.
Can you check with IT team if you need to connect to some VPN to access that AWS Machine OR is it turned on or not.
we have two instances, can i connect that different one?
the machine which i try to connect that is different one.should i use same instance?
VPN access not required
I m just open that machine while connecting it
Yes please try with other one you should see ping successful or response received
In the first place how do you connect to your VM normally?
We will connect VM(AWS server) open by the instance in RDP and login the server
So basically from the current system you connect to another and from there you do rdp right?
if yes then from the current system you cannot access it …that is the reason you are given one more vm in between
you need to login to any system on that same server or VM and then find a studio on it and perform remote debugging or you should be given access to that system you want to connect to
I can connect with same AWS instance with different user. its working. thanks!
Can i connect with different AWS instances? Is it possible?