How to use the excel data in Type into in RE Framework

Hi All,
I getting the value from excel using read range and stored in TransctionData as dataRow and open the browser ,indicate the type into area and declare the IN argument, Then how to decalre the datarow argument into the type into activity?

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welcome to UiPath community
if the datarow variable name is in_transactiondata
then in type into we can mention as
in_transactiondata(columnindex).tostring where columnindex usually starts from 0 for first column

Cheers @Manikandan.T

I did not get those arguments in my entry field.

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once you have the datarow variable ready we can pass it to a workflow as IN arguments
–create a argument in that workflow where we are going to type into a web page
–and while invoking that workflow in our main xaml click on import arguments and there pass the datarow variable as input to that IN argument which is also of type datarow and save the workflow
–once given with that now go to the workflow where we are going to type that in argument using type into activity
–now in the type into activity mention as yourargumentname(columnindex).tostring
or yourargumentname(“columnname”).tostring

Cheers @Manikandan.T

Thank you for your guidance.

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