How to use Retry Current Transaction if input data is DataTable?

Hello experts !
I am using Reframework in my project that is without orchestrator queue.
My input data is datatable, but i dont know why it is not retrying current transaction if there is any system exception. I have assigned MaxRetryNumber as 3 in “Constent” sheet of Config File.

Can you please help me out why it is not retrying current transaction ?

I have attached my project file . (3.1 MB)

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How are you assigning the transactionitem?

Did you use transaction number for that?


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The in_TransactionNumber will have default value as 1

if you are using datatable as input you need to change that to 0 or in_TransactionNumber-1

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Did you chnge the transactionitem type in set transaction status and retyr transactionstaus activity


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I got the solution.

I need to set QueueRetry value as False in SetTransactionStatus .xml file

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