How to use GetRobotCredential in C#

Hey everybody,

I’m currently creating some custom activities using VS2019.
One activity provides a SAP Logon (yes, I know, that something
like that was coded thousand times) but I want the user not
to type “Username” and “Password” but the Credentialname.
The Activity then automatically gets the credentials from the
orchestrator and performs the logon.

I installed the UiPath.Enterprise.Activities Package and I
still have the UiPath.Enterprise.Activities.Assets.GetRobotCredential
Class. But, I don’t know how to work with it. The Class has not
functions, just some Members like “AssetName”, “UserName”
or “Password”. Maybe, I’m complettely on the wrong way, so
I’d like to ask you for some advices, how to manage this problem.
