How to use 'for each ui element' activity to upload data in excel into web

Good morning. I have met a question. I want to write these data which have been arranged done into web. So i try to use ‘for each ui element’,is it right? And i can’t understand what i need to input the “list of items”.

I need to enter different information into each input boxs


It depends your requirement.
If you need to input text in order, it’s good to use ForEachUiElement.
First choose the textbox in Wizard of ForEachUiElement, then add extra column which is necessary to get the content.


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Thank you very much. But i’m sorry maybe i didn’t understand well .The first picture is a part of my process.
I want to write column of “SKU”(Second picture) into these input boxes which has been as UI elements collection.
Because in this situation i can’t find a accurate anchor,it has more than 100 same input boxes(like third picture).



It’s unnecessary to indicate (select) element inside ForEachUiElement.
We can set UiElement variable (CurrentElement) at InputElement of TtypeInto or SetText etc. as the following.


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identify the unique identifier i.e tablerow/rowno from dev console. , iterate through each row with counter variable for tablerow, you will not need for each ui element, as you can do it with one loop i.e for each row in datatable.

Happy Automation
Tukdi. :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much . But today i try many ways to run this process. It still can’t run. I think maybe the part of Uielement go wrong. Because i want to finish the activity of inputing, but it still not apear the process of inputing. I think the input box which not be recognized by the UiPath? What mistake i have made? i have been confused for a day now :smiling_face_with_tear:太字テキスト


i think it’s unnecessary to use ForEach inside ForEachUiElement. Why don’t you use 当前元素 in TypeInto directly if textbox is selected first in ForEachUiElment?


Thank you very much ! I got it

Thank you very much !

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i want to export all jobs data division wise all position/
like page :
please please solved & if possible templet , please provide me

i want to export all jobs data division wise all position/
like page :
need help & templet , please provide me