How to upload excel file to Orchestrator Storage Bucket using API?

Hello everyone,
I am currently transitioning my process from attended to unattended. In the past, I would use an email attachment function to read and write an excel file. And, since it is now an unattended process, I don’t want it to read the email to get an attachment; instead, I want it to read the attachment file from the Orchestrator bucket instead.

Does anyone know how to use the API to upload a file to an Orchestrator Storage Bucket?
Is there a way to override the file after uploading it?


Hey @tzekailim

Can you please check below thread?

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This same question is being actively discussed in the following topic.

It is a two part process. One call to generate the Upload Uri using a GET and the output Uri of that GET request is then used to issue a PUT Request.

The main thing to note from both linked topics is when sending the file do so as a Binary in the PUT.

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Is there any example that I can use as reference?

Both the above links have an a sample, one is done using PHP and the other uses Postman.

Is there ways for me to link up the Bucket with Queues? so my unattended bot could pick up the correct file to process.

You would need to add a reference to either the Path/Filename of the blob along with the Bucket it resides in, or store the Uri to the blob location from the UiPath API endpoint /odata/Buckets({key})/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.GetReadUri Note that this endpoint has an expiryInMinutes property (default 0) so you might want to opt for just storing the BuckName/Id and the Blob’s Path/Filename as a reference.

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