Hello everyone,
I am currently transitioning my process from attended to unattended. In the past, I would use an email attachment function to read and write an excel file. And, since it is now an unattended process, I don’t want it to read the email to get an attachment; instead, I want it to read the attachment file from the Orchestrator bucket instead.
Does anyone know how to use the API to upload a file to an Orchestrator Storage Bucket?
Is there a way to override the file after uploading it?
You would need to add a reference to either the Path/Filename of the blob along with the Bucket it resides in, or store the Uri to the blob location from the UiPath API endpoint /odata/Buckets({key})/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.GetReadUri Note that this endpoint has an expiryInMinutes property (default 0) so you might want to opt for just storing the BuckName/Id and the Blob’s Path/Filename as a reference.