Orchestrator API - Buckets

You are looking at two API calls

  1. GET /odata/Buckets({key})/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.GetWriteUri
    • \<orchestrator>/swagger/index.html#/Buckets/Buckets_GetWriteUriByKey
  2. PUT /api/BlobFileAccess/Put?...

After calling UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.GetWriteUri you get a Response containing a URI and Verb to make your second request. The File is then attached to the PUT Request as a Binary and sent to the Uri obtained from the first GET request.

A good way to determine what the API calls are if it is not well documented in the Support Docs or Swagger is to Inspect your Network Traffic while taking the actions in your Browser with the Orchestrator Web UI.


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