How to troubleshoot in production environment when Production VM cannot be accessed

Can anyone pls tell me once bot is deployed in Prod Server and there is a problem then as a developer what are the ways to troubleshoot those problem? If developer doesnot have access to that VM then what ways he/she can troubleshoot?

Hi @Debosree_Roy

Step 1. Do you have access to the UiPath developer source scripts and folder? The bot running in Prod Server is the last approved bot scripts.

Step 2. The group/person managing Prod Server - can they access the UiPath robot logs files. The UiPath robot log files can reveal the issues.

Yes, I’ve access to UiPath developer source scripts and folder but not to Prod VM machine.
So, as a developer where shall I look into/access the logs ? Also, is it possible to see somewhere in Prod orchestrator to understand the problem?

Hi @Debosree_Roy

The Prod VM machine robot execution logs is located in %LocalAppData%\UiPath\Logs.

If your robot is connected to Orchestrator, look at Orchestrator job status under Logs page.

Robot logs
Orchestrator job status

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