How to throw system exception anywhere in process to send flow to initialization state


how to throw system exception anywhere in process to send flow to initialization state

Thanks in advance

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no need to use throw if any system exception in process state then it will move to initialization state


Hi @jai_kumar2

basically system exceptions are sudden exceptions where we dont have control over it …example click failure …page dint load, network downtime etc

so for these kind of exceptions …reframework handles automatically…and you dont have to explicity throw the exceptions

so as per RE Framework design any system exception which happens in process state will be moved to init state

Hi @jai_kumar2

By Default Re-Framework deal with System Exceptions.

If we have any SE in Process State It automatically throws exception, and it goes to - Init State to Reinitialise the applications


  1. By default if there is a system exception the control will move to init in REF
  2. If you want to raise a system exception explicitly then use Throw activity with New Exception("Message you want here")


If u want define your own system exception with your own exception message then use a THROW activity where mention this

New System.Exception(“Your custom exception message goes here”)

If u want assign to a variable then in REFramework by default a variable named SystemException is created which is of type System.Exception
For which you can assign any exception inside a catch block

Hope this helps

Cheers @jai_kumar2