How to stop forcefully execution of application

How to stop forcefully execution of application

Hy @Aditya10989,

Open the studio or Uipath Assistant and click the stop button. Simple as that :slight_smile:

@Aditya10989, You can use Kill Process Activity, to close an Application, Or Terminate Execution Activity to stop the bot from executing if something happens.

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I used kill process this not stop the execution of application
eg kill process I used to kill the browser then invoke main it will call main.
I want this step execute then bot stop the execution not even to next activity execute

Hy @Aditya10989,

Please check the following link


@Aditya10989, Did you try the Terminate Workflow activity?

yes its throw me error.I used in Terminate Workflow activity property exception is new exception.But I am using this if else condition not in try catch block