How to split data

how to split this data? combination of string, integer and blank spaces. See below


what is your expected output after split?

need to split that type of data “[ 1 - 2 / 2]” to get the number 2 on this example. not working the toString then split using “/”


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seems it works! lastly how can I removed the “]” and blank spaces on the data I get. See below


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May i know which 2 you would like to have
if this one [ 1 - 2 / 2]
then the expression would be Split(Split(vAvail.ToString,“-”)(1).ToString,“/”)(0).ToString.Replace(“]”,“”)

or if this two [ 1 - 2 / 2]
then the expression would be Split(vAvail,“/”)(1).ToString.Trim.Replace(“]”,“”)

Cheers @rtablate

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Thanks! Hope to get more help in the near future building my 1st Uipath Robot. Have a nice day!

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Anytime buddy
Cheers @rtablate

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