How to solve this error: Write Range: 0x800A03EC?

frustratingly. Now I got new error. Read Range 4: Failed setting the current sheet to: FirstCell in workbook: C:\Users\samraat.maharjan\Documents\DataTest1.xlsx. Original error message: 0x800AC472


Run in debug mode, validate you datatable once you read it from local panels, i suppose somethings wrong there.

I had used four read range because I need to read four columns. Sometimes I get error on read range 2 and sometimes at read range 3. P:S I have given name to four read range. Since I need to copy four columns of one excel sheet to four columns of another excel sheet.

Thanks for your input. Do I have to use Read Range four times if I need to copy paste four column values out of 10 column values from the excel sheet 1 to another four columns of another excel sheet.

Hey you could just one read range to read the entire datatable at once, and write columns one by one.


@prateek.mehandiratta9 Okay, I can use read range to read entire datatable at once.
Problem is I want to read Debit column of Sheet 1 and paste into the Account column of sheet 2. Similarly, Amount column into Tran particular amount and remarks into tran_particular. Here, Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 are two different excel files. So, how will reading whole read range work if I want to paste different different column?

Problem is I want to read Debit column of Sheet 1 and paste into the Account column of sheet 2. Similarly, Amount column into Tran particular amount and remarks into tran_particular. Here, Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 are two different excel files.

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