How to solve error - "Could not find a part of the path ("directory")"

Hi All,

I am trying to open my work in UiPath Studio on a remote connection but getting the error below.


Tried opening the same file but on my local machine and it’s working.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Thank you!

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If G:\ drive is a network drive check whether that is mapped in the remote system with the same Drive letter.

Check the physical file path of the in the remote system once.

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Try to compare both the offline paths and your path and check spaces if any.

A Manohar

Hi UiPath Experts,

I am a novice here and trying to execute a simple process of opening a browser, capturing the instanec ID and writing it to a file. When I am trying to execute this process, I am able to create a file with instance ID written to it. But when I created a process and executed it as a job, it is failing with error - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path.

I am running UiPath from a VDI machine and the process is defined under a different machine. Is that difference causing the issue?

Same Problem here.

@Sakshivikas @gaurav.baranwal How have you stored the Path location? Is it Hardcoded?