How to show Classic as default when my studio on modern mode

this issue little bit annoying for me.

my studio is always in Modern mode but in some cases, I need to use Classic Ui. so I need to enable the filter to show classic on the activity panel. however, when I restart my Studio. this filter is disabled. so, I would like this filter always show once it is enabled.

Hi @irahmat

You can go to project panel → Settings → Disable modern design there


we can set the mode for default for all next projects via the Back stage view:

on project level, we do as described by

HI Peter.

thanks for your input. but I want is whether I choose Modern or Classic mode. both of activity should be shown on the activity panel.

for example: if Studio is on modern mode after I enable show classic and then restart. show classic will keep showing otherwise if Studio is on classic mode after I enable show modern and then restart. show mode will keep showing.


Hi @irahmat

I think every time we open if you want to modern in classic or classic on modern design you need to enable it in filters

Note : if you want to add new activities to it you need to enable it in filters if you are simply running the process there is no need of enabling


Hi @irahmat ,

I do think the feature that you are requesting for is not yet available (Atleast not directly Through Studio).

Maybe you could turn this post into a Feedback and the Team can look into it. :slightly_smiling_face:

sounds like the activitiy filter:

disable when classic activites are to show:

unfortunately we cannot filter for showing both classic/modern but this filter setting can be done quickly and we dont have to change classic/modern mode on project level

thanks for the clear explanation.

actually, this filter makes me confused. I thought that once I have choose modern Ui, I cannot use classic Ui. but this filter makes me can use both.

so I was asking myself why in the beginning just enable both of Ui.


thanks for your suggestion.

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have sent you a PM

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