How to send a email to a type into adress

I’m new with Uipath and have a question about email automation.

I wondered if is possible to send a email to a user that have type their email adress with the activity input dialog or another way?

Ex: An input dialog pops up and the user type in their email adress, and then a email will be sendt from my address to the users adress.

Thank you in advaced :slight_smile:

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Hi @Mariafig,

Yes. You can do it very easily. First use an “Input Dialog” activity and store the output to a String variable. Then use your desired “Send Mail” activity and pass that variable to the Receiver’s email address field. :slightly_smiling_face:

Warm regards,


Yah that was doable!
Have you try it? I can help you witi that.



This is very simple you just need to provide input dialog box activity to create a prompt so that user can type their email id at run time and in send mail activity provide the To address as output created in Input dialog box.
please find the sample
Send Email With Input Dailog.xaml (4.6 KB)



thanks for sharing this information this is really helpfull for me ,they can solved my issue thanks again

thanks and regards


Thank you, it worked :slight_smile:

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Thank, it worked :slight_smile: And thank you for sharing your workflow!

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I did it my self, thank you :slight_smile:

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yey thats great sorry for the late reply.! @Mariafig

cheers :smiley:

happy learning :smiley:

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