How to select specific area in CV Extract Table?

Hi, I want to select / extract the data from excel remote desktop, I am using CV Extract table
activity but , it indicating the whole excel window, hence result is coming with blank excel columns.

I just want to select specific columns area by using CV extract table. How?

Hi @Sanket_Shinde1

Are you trying to extract the datatable in the excel or you want to extract the datatable structured elements.

this is excel

and i want to extract only this area of data

output is coming like this

It was extracting properly. It will extract all the possible rows and column which are visible.

After extraction we have to use the datatable activities or any other linQ Expressions to delete the unwanted rows and columns.

May I know your requirement which columns you want to delete what I mean is delete the empty rows and columns.

Hope you understand!! @Sanket_Shinde1

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hi, Thank you so much for your valuable help,

Right now I just indicated only columns area in CV Screen Scope
and Cv Extract Table
so its working fine now,

also your solution is right that we have to deal with dt activities.

thank you so much.

Thank you @Sanket_Shinde1

I hope you find the solution for your query, Make my post mark as solution to close the loop.

Happy Automation!!

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