How to select a button from a shell container


Is it possible to use ‘click toolbar button’ SAP activity to select a button in a shell container? I’m trying to use the filter button in an ABAP catalogue to select a value.

This is how it looks with the SAP GUI Tracker :
’ Transaction = FBL1H
’ Title = ABAP: Variantencatalogus van programma FAGL_LINE_ITEM_BROWSER_AP
’ Dynpro = SAPLSVAR600
’ Session = 1

If I select the value without using the filter, the selector gives me this result :
‘sap colName=‘VARIANT’ id=‘usr/cntlALV_CONTAINER_1/shellcont/shell’ tableRow=‘2’ /’

The problem is that I’m not sure that the value I want will always stay on the 3rd line …

Thanks in advance for your help !

Kind greetz,


Yes, click toolbar button’ SAP activity will work. Just be sure to build reliable selector for the activity.

Ashok :slight_smile:


Ideally it should be working

If not you can go with wcripting as well


Could you give me some help with this ?

Thanks !


Check if any Keyboard Shortcut is available for the button. This will also work

unfortunately, there’s not …